Ja sam Sanjin Arnautović. Imam 30 godina, ali hvala roditeljima na baby face-u, pa i kad ostarim ljudi će misliti da sam mlađi nego što jesam. Da! Starenje je jedan od mojih najvećih strahova. Zato i jesam glumac, jer bez obzira koliko ostariš, uvijek se možeš igrati, a ljudi neće misliti da si lud. Štaviše, još će ti aplaudirati za tvoj talenat. A ti se samo igraš. Koji benefit. Sretan sam. Također, dijete u meni njeguje i rad na dramskim radionicama za djecu koje vodim, te rad sa studentima. Predajem na Akademiji scenakih umjetnosti u Sarajevu, asistent sam na predmetu Govor. A inače, ne volim puno da pričam, osim kad popijem pivo ili dva, tri… u teatru samo radim, I kad kući dođem samo radim. Puno radim. U kafani pričam. Ne mogu se odrediti niti kao ekstrovert, a nisam ni introvert. Bavim se javnim poslom, i volim javne nastupe, ali se volim i osamiti kući i maštati i biti sam sa svojim mislima. Volim grčku mitologiju I antičku književnost. Obožavam da pjevam, i svaku priliku koristim da pjevam. Pjevam i dok spavam. Imam snimak. Pjevanje me oslobodilo, i privatno i u umjetničkom smislu. Ja sam dramski glumac , i trenutno studiram na petoj godini na Akademiji u Sarajevu, I želim da mi uža specijalnost bude – glumac muzičkog teatra. Ustvari, zajedno sa ekipom kojom radim i profesoricama koje mi predaju na MAu, pravimo jedne od pionirskih koraka ka rođenju muzičkog teatra u BiH. U mojoj zemlji muzički teatar gotovo I da ne postoji. Moj san je da osnujem trupu koja će producirati isključivo mjuzikle. Trupu koja ce BiH staviti na mapu globalne porodice muzičkog teatra. I da, otac sam dvoje! Cuka.
My name is Sanjin Arnautović. I am 30 years old but thanks to my parents I have a baby face. One of the advantages of that fact is that even when I get old people will think that I am younger than my actual age. Yup! Aging is one of my biggest and darkest fears. That’s one of the reasons I became an actor. When you are an actor, no matter how old you are, you can still “play”and rest of the world wouldn’t think that you are crazy. Moreover they admire you, giving you a standing ovation, applauding your talent. And you, you are just playing. What a benefit. I am happy. To add up to this, kids through various dramatic workshops that I lead nurture my inner child, as well as the students I teach. Yeah, I teach at the Academy of Performing Arts in Sarajevo. I am an assistant for the subject ‘’Speech’’. Otherwise I don’t like to talk much, unless I had a beer or two… In theatre I just work, even when I get home the only thing I do is working. I love to work and I work a lot. Some would say I am a workaholic. In pub – I talk. It’s difficult I can’t describe myself nor like extrovert nor like introvert. I am in showbiz industry. I do live shows and I love it, but at the same time I like to isolate myself from the crowdy places and be alone at my home. I love to fantasies different scenarios and there are time when I like to daydream. I love Greek mythology and antic literature. I love to sing as well. I sing in every possible moment I get. I even sing while sleeping. I have a video of that as a proof. Singing gave me freedom and liberated me. In every sense. I am a drama actor and currently I am on a MA program at the Academy in Sarajevo . I want to get specialized in the area of music theatre. To be honest, I am working with few of my friends (with help from my professors who teach me at the MA) on a revolutionary and pioneer idea. We want to start up a first ever musical theatre company in our country . In Bosnia and Herzegovina the idea of musical theatre barely exists. My dream is to create a group of ambitious and hard-working people who would only organize and produce musicales. Group which would set Bosnia and Herzegovina on a global map of musical theatre scene. Oh yes! I am father of two! Wonderful dogs.